Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Adventures With Twink, Part I

The conversations that go on on my side of the office are...interesting, to say the least. I started to write a post yesterday about Twink, and a discussion that went on yesterday. As I was writing it, it became so ridiculous that it didn't even make sense to me.

It started with Twink asking trivia questions from some website out loud, then her asking the age-old question "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound?" I have no idea why she decided to ask that.

This prompted my co-worker, Bob, to start messing with her, asking her if a tree fell in a vacuum, would it make a sound? Twink did not understand how a tree could fall into a vacuum. I had to explain to her that he wasn't talking about a Hoover.

It just went on from there, with Bob asking if she shot a gun into a vacuum, would that make a sound, and she said if it went out the other side and hit someone, it would. I think it ended with me promising to put a bullet through my Kirby when I got home. It's past its prime, anyway.

So today, the discussion was the state fair. The other trainee was talking about which concerts were going to be at the fair this year, and someone mentioned Meatloaf.

Supervisor - "Dang, is he even still alive? And touring? Wow."

Other Trainee - "Yeah, he acts too, he was in Fight Club. He was Bob! With the boobs!" (?)

Me - "Really? I've never seen Fight Club."

Other Trainee - "Oh, you have to see's a good movie."

Me - "I just don't really care for movies with gratuitous violence."

Twink, looking at me - "Quit using big words!!"

Yes, she was serious.


Scotvalkyrie said...

I do know that a gun will fire in a vacuum -- I know this thanks to the Hubster, but making a sound? Now I have to find out. Oh, and the Hubster asked if I was going to name the new fish Twink. I think that's what I'll call my next car. In 2012.

Shelley said...

Oh, that would have been a good name for the fish. But Spot fits too.

Anonymous said...

That Twink is pure blogging gold - if she doesn't make you want to kill her first.

Unknown said...

Blow her mind and ask her what is the sound of one hand clapping! I dare you!!!! ;)

BTW, on my journal, I think if you click on the Open ID login it will put your blog name and it's like logging in and you don't have to worry about forgetting to sign you comments. :p It might also notify you of comments (but maybe not, I don't know). I figured out that when I put my Google login instead of my LJ Open ID here it emails me comments. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you should start a new blog and call it "The Twink Chronicles"...ooops too big a that better? I look forward to Twink stories, I understand the world so much better when I read about her...KLM