Monday, February 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Ok, so it's not Wednesday and it's not wordless. I'm a rebel like that.

It is wordless in that I don't even know what to say about this picture, except that it cracks me up.


Mary~Momathon said...

That cracked me up!

Joann Mannix said...

That is fabulous. Because, I'm all about a dog picture or 5. Welcome back, it's been awhile.

June Gardens said...

Has that dog got Beagle? Or Jack Russel? Or God forbid, both? It's killing me, whatever it't got.

Dawn in D.C. said...

That's hilarious!! Dogs are just too funny.

Glad you're back! Missed you!

Fannie said...

The dog looks possessed!

Anonymous said...

lmao - love the dog's expression - that is priceless!

5 Kids With Disabilities said...

I love the picture with the stalactite, (or stalagmite?) You have such a great daughter to be able to hold it without a) throwing it to see it smash into a million pieces b) trying to stab any siblings or c) trying to eat it.
Lindsey Petersen