Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It All Goes By So Fast

Remember when I was all hysterical about becoming a grandmother?  That was over three years ago.  I know this, because my little Sophie nugget turned three in August:

And then, my oldest daughter also had a baby. In fact, she had a little boy almost two and a half years ago.  His name is Jace:  

So I am a grandmother (Nonnie, please) to two little boogers.  I am so blessed that we are currently all living within 10 miles of each other.

Happy Holidays....  (yep, I'm one of THOSE)


Shelley said...

Well HELLO there!!! Good to hear from you and I'm happy that everyone is doing well - those are some awfully cute grandkids you have! What fun - little kiddos are just too sweet.

Jatin Sethi said...

anniversary wishes for uncle and aunty

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this amazing post. i really like it.

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Damien said...

It is wonderful you have your grandchildren close by.